Is Coaching For Me?
Because you have ended up on this website, you know that you want more out of life than you are getting right now! If you can answer yes to even one of these questions, you would likely benefit from life coaching.
- Do you want more fulfillment, joy or passion in your life?
- Are you outwardly successful, but inwardly craving something more or different in your life?
- Are you in a career transition?
- Are you unhappy in your job, but feel trapped?
- Is procrastination ruling your life, preventing you from moving forward?
- Is your home unorganized and filled with too much stuff?
- Do you feel unhappy in a personal relationship?
- Is there something you have always dreamed of doing, but just haven't done anything about?
- Is fear keeping you from living fully?
- Does your life feel out of balance?
- Do you feel like you have no time for yourself?
- Are you feeling like you've somehow lost touch with who you are?
- Do you ever want to stop 'doing' and just 'be?'
- Do you want to be more creative?
- Have you forgotten what it's like to have fun and play in your life?