"Insightful… intuitive… caring"
When I began sessions with Amy, I wasn't sure of what to expect. I came to her for guidance in organizing my over-abundance of art materials, and perhaps to receive a boost to my flagging artist's ego. I found Amy to be an insightful, intuitive and caring listener. She helped me identify the gremlin in my head, who was causing my self-doubt and holding me back from achieving what I wanted. Through our discussions, I came to find a clarity and a sense of passion for making art which I had not had for years. I found myself being inspired to appreciate my own personal style of creating and the uniqueness of my own talent.
As for organization, Amy helped me to set goals for myself, gave me practical suggestions which I had never considered, and checked in on me as to how I was progressing. Amy's office is a comforting space, her approach is both supportive and wise, and I always felt that the focus of our sessions was totally on me and my needs. I know that I will return for more sessions as needed. I highly recommend Amy as a talented coach and mentor.
"Bright… compassionate… perceptive"
Amy is on the top of my list of "go to" colleagues when I seek coaching or support regarding a personal or professional issue. In addition to being extremely bright, she is compassionate and perceptive. She honors my growth and development by challenging me in a caring way if that is what is called for. Each time I coach with Amy I am not only fully supported, but I feel myself moving forward in a much more expansive way. Amy consistently helps me gain insights which "unhook" me from what is blocking my forward movement. There are very few people in my opinion that are as skilled at holding and supporting another person's agenda as Amy Falk and I highly recommend her!!
Debra Hickok, CPCC, PCC
Certified Life Coach, Facilitator and Founder of Featherstone
Personal & Professional Coaching
"skilled listener… bold professional"
My last coaching session with Amy ended with the question, "How does your gremlin serve you?" My immediate response was, "Serve me, do you mean completely frustrate me and get in my way?" However, not wanting to tell her I did not do the assignment, I gave myself 15 minutes to crank it out. Four pages and one hour later, I had uncovered a pattern, a belief, an obstacle. You know, those moments that are few and far between that shine light right through a filter has been in place most of your life?" Amy was onto something. We professionals are sometimes the most resistant to seeing the obvious when it comes to our own lives, our own families and careers. It takes a skilled listener and bold professional to challenge another professional to go deeper, to look further. I have that with Amy. She is bold and wise in combining her intuition with her professional skills to partner with her clients in achieving their goals. In addition, she is always training in some new area that brings a fresh perspective and new tools to our coaching sessions. I highly recommend Amy as a life coach both on a personal level and from a business perspective.
Lisa Boester
Life Coach Specializing in ADHD in Adults and College Students
"Three sessions… learned more about ADD… than months in therapy"
When I was first diagnosed with ADD, I naturally relied on my therapist for information and understanding. Nearly six months after my diagnosis I was still at a loss for how to cope with the difficulties ADD presents for which I had not already compensated. Luckily for me at that point Amy’s and my paths crossed. I started coaching with Amy. Within three sessions I had learned more about how to deal with my ADD than months in therapy. She was able to help me discern what was a trait of the ADD verses what was not. Her knowledge helped me discover what living with ADD meant. Where I could expect to make changes, where I needed to learn forgiveness (of myself).
L. F.
Head of Business Operations for Medical Device Company
"Better focus… eliminating barriers"
Working with Amy gave me the skills to answer the questions, "What do I really want?" and "Is what I am doing getting me closer or further away from that goal?" After the coaching, I was able to better focus eliminating self-built barriers and make life decisions based on my goals. I now have the tools to find and implement clarity in life.
A. L.
Teacher, Actor, Director
"I rediscovered passion… She inspired me."
I decided to work with Amy during a time of upheaval in my life. She was able to give me strategies that not only helped me break things down into manageable blocks but how to keep stress in check. She taught me to identify my core values and how to make my life match things that truly mattered to me, instead of focusing on things that were getting me nowhere. With her help, I was able to rediscover things that inspired passion in me, which in turn helped me become a much happier person. She inspired me to take risks that have paid off both professionally and personally.
L. S.
Content Project Manager
"Clearer direction in life… remarkable intuition… talent"
When I walked through Amy’s door I could not name the values that were important to me, and that create the person I am. She guided me through exercises that not only clarified my values but gave me a much clearer direction for my life. These discoveries have been a great gift in my life. Decisions come much easier and I feel confident in my choices. I have experienced coaching before but never achieved such clarity and direction. Amy’s intuition, ability to sense the energy I project, and become a mirror for me, is remarkable. She truly has an innate talent for coaching that I wish everyone could experience.
Graphic Designer, Greater Boston
(Name furnished upon request for purposes of reference)